Introducing PHS-FL, a browser-based software developed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This online tool incorporates two primary components: one is grounded on a modified version of ISO 7933:2018 standard known as PHSFL 8, and the other is established on the ISO 7933:2018 standard.

Discover Our Process

We offer a registration feature that allows you to save your simulations and results. We invite you to explore our website and discover how our platform can help you improve heat strain management.

Sign Up

Register for an account to access all of our models and tools, as well as the ability to save your simulations and results for future analysis.


Use our range of different models to create simulations that best suit your needs.

Run and Analyze

Run your simulations and analyze your results in the form of charts and raw data to gain valuable insights into managing heat strain in your workplace or industry.

Save Results

Save your results on our platform to track your progress over time and identify patterns and trends..

Contact us

We would love to hear from you. Send us a message and we will respond as soon as possible.